Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 5 executive summary 7 1 introduction 13 1.1 Defining ‘community’ 13 1.2 Understanding community resilience 14 1.3 Identifying the outcomes of first aid training at the British Red Cross 15 2 method 17 2.1 Focus groups 17 2.2 Survey 18 2.3 Measuring our concepts 18 contents 3 results 21 3.1 Response rate 21 3.2 Respondents 21 3.3 Indicators of community resilience 22 3.4 Individual resilience 28 3.5 Elaborating on the outcomes of first aid training 30 3.6 Interrelationships between community and individual resilience 31 4 conclusions 35 5 recommendations 39 6 references 43

Assessing the Links Between First Aid Training and Community Resilience - Page 7 Assessing the Links Between First Aid Training and Community Resilience Page 6 Page 8