Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 19 2.3.2 Key indicators of community resilience considered The indicators of community resilience considered appropriate to include in the survey were: social connectedness (“I feel I am a part of this community”, “most members of this community know me”, “people in this community watch out for each other”, and “people in this community are willing to help each other”); community efficacy for a first aid emergency (“people in this community are willing to provide first aid to each other in an emergency”, “people in this community cannot rely on each other to provide first aid in an emergency” (negatively coded), and in a disaster scenario “how likely do you think people in your community would be to take action and give first aid?”); learning (“not many people in this community know that I have had first aid training” (negatively coded), “if I ever need first aid, I know someone in the community who I can go to for help”, and “not many people in this community know how to give first aid in an emergency” (negatively coded)); readiness to respond; and economic wellbeing and equality of access to first aid training. 2.3.3 Key indicators of individual > Whether the respondent had received first aid resilience considered training from the British Red Cross between April and September 2010 (Trained group), or The indicators of individual resilience included were booked on to receive first aid training in were feeling capable or determined as a person 2011 (Control group). (both of which are aspects of self-esteem also), feeling that you can find a way out of difficult > Whether people had ever, or never, been situations, feeling that people can rely on you trained. in an emergency, and feeling proud of accomplishments in life. > Whether other members of the community were trained alongside the respondent. 2.3.4 Key components of first aid > Whether people had been trained once or training considered multiple times. The proposed first aid training outcomes included > Recency of previous first aid training. in the research were willingness to provide first aid, confidence to provide first aid, increased knowledge of other British Red Cross services, increased self-esteem, and help with employment. In addition, certain features of the first aid training itself were also considered in terms of whether they relate to community resilience. These features were:

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