Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 33 situations rated their communities higher they felt proud of accomplishing first aid in social connectedness in terms of people training.46 watching out for, and being willing to help, each other.43 > Communities that had no preparations in place to be ready to respond to a first aid > Those who more strongly agreed that they emergency were significantly more likely than were someone others could generally rely on those who did to have low levels of certain in an emergency also more strongly agreed aspects of social connectedness, community that people in their community knew they efficacy, and learning.47 had had first aid training.44 It appears, therefore, that while there is a link > People who felt proud that they had between individual and community resilience to a accomplished things in life were likely first aid emergency, there is a distinction between to have told someone about the first aid them. The resilience of individuals may contribute training they had received.45 to certain aspects of community resilience, but for the community to be resilient as a whole, other > Pride in having accomplished first aid conditions must also be present. training was significantly related to all aspects of spreading knowledge, where people who told (85% compared with 46 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5. Told 4.1: did not tell 3.4, 56%, respectively), shared (88% compared t(526)=-4.74, p<0.01. Shared 4.2: did not share 3.9, t(524)=-4.15, with 77%, respectively), or recommended p<0.01. Recommended 4.1: did not recommend 3.9, t(527)=-3.37, (85% compared with 81%, respectively) p<0.01. 47 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5, and 1-4 for the scenario. were significantly more likely to agree that Members know me, no preparations 3.8: have preparations 4.2, t(489)=2.49, p<0.05. Watch out for each other, no preparations 3.6: have preparations 4.1, t(490)=3.91, p<0.01. Willing to provide first aid, 43 Positive linear relationships between: can find a way out of difficult no preparations 3.5: have preparations 4.0, t(451)=2.86, p<0.05. Rely situations and community watch out for each other, F(27,248)=5.73, on each other to provide first aid, no preparations 3.3: have preparations p<0.05; can find a way out of difficult situations and community willing 3.8, t(452)=2.37 p<0.05. Know someone to go to for first aid help, to help each other, F(27,248)=5.86, p<0.05. no preparations 3.2: have preparations 3.9, t(467)=3.93, p<0.01. 44 Positive linear relationship, F(27,248)=6.33, p<0.05. Take action in scenario, no preparations 3.8: have preparations 4.2, 45 Positive linear relationship, F(27,248)=7.50, p<0.05. t(471)=3.59, p<0.01.

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