Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 39 5 Recommendations 5.1 Disseminate the findings of this survey in accessible and creative ways and to a range of audiences both internal and external to the British Red Cross. 5.2 Explore the targeting of training to existing ‘communities’ (defined by the group as themselves constituting a group of people who interact with each other regularly). The qualitative and quantitative data both suggest that those who attend as a group feel more comfortable together and thus learn more, and there is a sense that they could work together in an emergency. Additionally, the training should be targeted at social groups rather than groups defined solely by geography, as this is where we may see the 48 most impact. 48 As of November 2011, the Research, Evaluation & Impact and First Aid Education teams are carrying out a second research study to further examine the relationship between being trained together as a community and the links between first aid training and community resilience. This research will examine additional factors such as type of course, type of community, and proportion of community members trained.

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