Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 15 to access it (Nzegwu, 2010; Cabinet Office, of British Red Cross first aid training were 2010; Twigg, 2007). identified: > Readiness to respond to a first aid emergency > Increased competence in first aid delivery, (Twigg, 2007). confidence in first aid skills, and willingness to provide first aid in an emergency situation > Economic wellbeing and equality (Nzegwu, (British Red Cross, 2010; Penrose, 2009; 2010; Norris et al., 2008). Van de Velde et al., 2009). > Health – which can affect a community’s > Increased self-esteem and social confidence ability to deliver first aid as well as the number (British Red Cross, 2009). of people in the community who might need it (Nzegwu, 2010; Cutter et al., 2009). > Increased knowledge of and engagement with other British Red Cross services (British In addition, resilient communities are considered Red Cross, 2010). to consist of resilient individuals (Cabinet Office, 2010). > Help with employment (Laurie, 2008). > Reduced accident injury rates (ICRC, 2010; 1.3 identifying the outcomes of Lingard, 2002; McKenna & Hale, 1982). first aid training at the british red cross Following a review of external literature and internal British Red Cross documents relating to first aid training, the following key outcomes

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