Can’t Stay. Can’t Go. Refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned 27 seekers. I can advise them where to go. It is and more help…. I’m happy when I come in important to me to meet people who are in and I’m working. I want more and more have the same situation. When you are at home all job here. Yeah, actually, actually I want to do the time on your own, you think you are the this. (Kasim, Iraq) only one. (Violet, Zimbabwe) Samir (Algeria) reported that his girlfriend makes Kasim (Iraq) volunteers at the Red Cross and at him feel stronger and helps him cope. Bisrat Justice First: “I’m come to office of British Red (Eritrea) copes by not thinking about the future; Cross, I’m very happy. If when I finish I go outside he prefers to focus on the here and now: I sad”. Kasim likes to welcome people who are new to the area and show them where to go. He So every time I think about today, not the encourages people to get out and do things, like future. If, finally, if I get a paper, if I get attending free weekly English classes at the local granted, I will think about the future, I will think church: about everything. (Bisrat, Eritrea) I take there a lot of people who are new Anwar (Somalia) reported: coming here. I say, “If you stay home more and more, you’ll get bored and you’ll get I’m not strong. I told you, I need to go back upset”. I know this. (Kasim, Iraq) home…. I want to be there now…. I’m not happy to live here. And I have a kid here, but If Kasim is granted status, he would like to work I’m not happy. I have a kid, but I’m not happy for a charity: with my kid. Really, serious, I’m not happy. (Anwar, Somalia) I want to more and more help British Red Cross and Justice First office. I want to more

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