Executive summary 1 1 Introduction 5 1.1 The logistics of return 6 1.2 What happens to people who cannot be returned? 7 1.3 The risk of statelessness 8 1.4 The suffering and limbo facing those who cannot be returned 9 2 Research aim, objectives and methodology 11 3 Findings 13 3.1 Our participants 13 contents 3.2 Coming to the UK 14 3.3 Having money 14 3.4 Having a home 17 3.5 Having food to eat 19 3.6 Having clothes to wear 20 3.7 Health 20 3.8 Social support 23 3.9 Personal safety 24 3.10 A life in limbo 25 3.11 Control over life 26 3.12 What keeps you strong? 26 3.13 Documentation difficulties 29 3.14 Detention 30 3.15 Statelessness 30 3.16 What changes would they like to see? 31 3.17 Closing comments 34 4 Conclusion 35 5 Recommendations 37 References 41 Appendix: Our refused asylum seekers 43

Can't Stay Can't Go - Page 5 Can't Stay Can't Go Page 4 Page 6