Can’t Stay. Can’t Go. Refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned 23 and what’s realistic. (Red Cross staff member, which offers a full GP service specifically for Birmingham) asylum seekers and refugees. It is much more difficult to get help for people with mental health The Leicester Red Cross staff member felt that issues. Red Cross staff try to get patients into the disputing someone’s nationality can have an effect Open Mind service in Leicester, but there is usually on his or her mental health: a six-month wait. Yes and I think this also has a huge impact on The Birmingham Red Cross staff member reported the mental health…. It’s like a huge identity that they can signpost people who are lonely to crisis. (Red Cross staff member, Leicester) befriending organisations. They can also refer people to Healthy Minds for counselling. Helping The Red Cross staff member in Leeds felt people access a GP is generally not a problem destitution can worsen mental health issues: and the Red Cross will help people to complete an HC1 form so that they can get an HC2 certificate. A lot of the people in this group that we’ve They will also inform people about their rights with come across over the years, some of them regard to healthcare. have had quite evident mental health issues, which I think destitution is a big factor in The staff member in Leeds expressed concern worsening the mental health issues that they’ve about this group of people lacking access to faced. (Red Cross staff member, Leeds) secondary healthcare in England. He also felt that, even when mental health services are available, 3.7.3 Access to health services accessing them can be difficult for street homeless people: Access to primary healthcare in England, Wales and Scotland is available to refused asylum It’s quite hard to actually be in the mind frame seekers as to any other patient, regardless of to go somewhere every Tuesday and access immigration status. In Scotland and Wales, asylum a service and get help. That’s actually quite seekers and refused asylum seekers are entitled to tough and people’s priorities often get quite free secondary healthcare on the same terms as muddled as well…. If they’re street homeless it other ordinary residents. In England, only refused can become difficult for them to prioritise their asylum seekers who receive Section 4 from the health. (Red Cross staff member, Leeds) Home Office or Section 21 support from a local authority are entitled to free secondary healthcare. None of the refused asylum seekers we However, all refused asylum seekers can continue, interviewed reported any difficulties in accessing a free of charge, with any course of treatment GP service. already underway before their application was refused. Hospital treatment that has already started should continue until the person leaves the 3.8 Social support country. We asked our refused asylum seekers whether The Glasgow staff members reported that people they have friends who can listen to them and will often use a friend’s address so they can provide emotional support. register with a GP. Alternatively, they can access Hunter Street homeless health services. Besides Six of our refused asylum seekers reported that a GP service and nurse team, Hunter Street has they have no friends nor anyone else who can a mental health team and an addiction team. The listen to them: Red Cross can also refer people to charitable organisations like Lifelink, which offers counselling I have no one to talk to [starts to cry]. (Qareen, and stress management. Similarly, the Red Cross Palestine) can refer to Freedom from Torture, which offers counselling and psychotherapy to survivors of I don’t have friends, because friends you need torture and organised violence. NHS Greater to have contact. So how can you contact Glasgow and Clyde Psychological Trauma Service this friend if you don’t have anything? (Anwar, is also available but has a three-month waiting list. Somalia) The Leicester staff member reported that they Two of the six (Anwar and Dawit) said that, are “very lucky” when it comes to physical health, although they do not have friends, they can talk to since they have the Leicester City Assist Practice, their Red Cross caseworker.

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