Can’t Stay. Can’t Go. Refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned 5 1 Introduction he vision of the British Red Cross is a world where everyone gets the help they need in a crisis, and one of our strategic T aims is to reduce destitution and distress for those who are displaced. The Red Cross has a long tradition of providing practical and emotional support to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers across the United Kingdom, irrespective of their immigration status. This includes asylum seekers who are at the end of the asylum process. Refused asylum seekers who have no appeal outstanding are considered to have no basis to continue to stay in the UK. They are expected to make arrangements to leave without delay. If they decide to leave voluntarily, they can apply for help with returning home. If not, they can be subject to enforced removal. However, every year, many do not leave. The Home Office produces data on the recorded outcomes for the group of asylum applicants in any one year. For those who applied in 2015, many are still awaiting confirmation of an initial decision or appeal determination. Therefore, the

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