18 Can’t Stay. Can’t Go. Refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned I had to climb over a high fence. They broke hostel that they find. (Red Cross staff member, the old hotel down; they build new thing. So Leicester) me, I sleep in the canals, and some other places. Sometimes I ride my bike out of town Bisrat (Eritrea) lost his support in August this year just to go sleep, where I hide and nobody see and he slept on the street for the first week after me. I don’t want nobody to see me. I’m in that. The night before we spoke to Bisrat, he had graveyard. England is my graveyard. (Joshua, stayed with a friend, but he had no idea where he Ethiopia) would sleep that night. 3.4.4 Night shelters Kasim (Iraq) lost his Section 4 accommodation at the end of 2015: Night shelters can provide a way for asylum seekers to get off the streets, although some In 2015, for Christmas my accommodation get choose not to use them: stopped. I understand now Christmas coming back again, I still am homeless. I don’t have I do have clients that have either been street any accommodation from Home Office… now homeless or they still sleep on the street because one year. It is very difficult this life. (Kasim, Iraq) they choose not to stay in a night shelter. I suppose if someone is choosing to sleep on the Kasim has to rely on friends, who often have street perhaps that indicates how difficult the limited means themselves, or he lives on the night shelter is. It’s a room with 25 other men. street: (Red Cross staff member, Glasgow 1) Sometime I have place for sleep… sometime Zareb (Sudan) sleeps in the Glasgow Night Shelter, no have place. It’s very hard life; very, very which is specifically for destitute asylum-seeking hard. (Kasim, Iraq) men. The shelter is closed between 8am and 8pm, and it can be a challenge to find somewhere Walid (Algeria) has been homeless for six months. to shelter from bad weather during the daytime. Sometimes he stays with people he knows. Zareb goes either to the public library or to Marie He is on a waiting list at Action Foundation, Trust, a homelessness charity in Glasgow, where a charity started by City Church Newcastle. he can sit inside for a few hours. One of their projects, Action Housing, provides accommodation and support to destitute asylum The Red Cross staff member in Leeds mentioned seekers with no recourse to public funds. The that, although there is a shelter in Leeds, it does not support people who have no recourse to public funds and so will not accommodate refused asylum seekers. He reported that the Leeds Red Cross refugee service has helped to open a night shelter for destitute asylum seekers as part of their destitution network in the region: It got piloted last year for about three or four months and it should be reopening this winter; so it’s a winter shelter. That will make a big difference for destitute asylum seekers but it’s a temporary solution. I believe that will only be for men only because it’s an open space. (Red Cross staff member, Leeds) 3.4.5 Constantly on the move Some people resort to a variety of avenues when it comes to accommodation. The staff member in Leicester reported: A lot of them are just sofa-surfing, moving around different people’s houses. Sometimes sleeping outside; sometimes sleeping in some

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