Can’t Stay. Can’t Go. Refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned 21 A group of five or six Englishman were there. accommodation]. Yes, it’s cold; it’s very cold They don’t like my look or something…. They now. I was sick; it was very bad. (Bisrat, Eritrea) called me black dog. Just like that. One of them tap me on the shoulder and, as I turn, Bisrat worries about surviving the cold this winter: one of them hits me with the stick of baseball. “The coming winter is very bad for me.” I fell straight down; I can’t defend myself. They beat me up so well that I didn’t recognise 3.7.2 Mental health myself when the police bring the picture. (Faheem, Palestine) Refused asylum seekers We asked participants about their mental health Faheem was in a coma for a few days and when in general. Worryingly, seven of the 15 refused he recovered consciousness, he couldn’t walk: asylum seekers said they had considered suicide. Qareen (Palestine) told us: I can’t control my body. My brain is not speaking to my body. It took ages, a few I am sad. Life is not good. I am not living life…. years, to heal. Couldn’t go out. I survived, but I have no control. I wanted to commit suicide. I was really, really destroyed – mentally and My friend stopped me. I don’t know what is physically. My brain was damaged. When I going to happen to me. I have very low moods. was in court in Dover, when I saw the CCTV, (Qareen, Palestine) oh man, oh man. I don’t want to think of these things. (Faheem, Palestine) Anwar (Somalia) feels it might be better if he dies. After a lot of effort, the Leicester Red Cross Faheem still battles with dizziness and cannot has managed to secure an appointment with a stand for long: “I lose balance sometimes.” consultant psychiatrist. Violet (Zimbabwe) was being held in a detention Sometime I feel it’s better for me to pass centre in 2008 when she was diagnosed with away…. Sometimes I think that God he forget hypertension. Kasim (Iraq) has had epilepsy me, but God, he don’t forget me – still I’m since he was young. Living on the street makes alive. But still I’m not happy to live. Sometimes it difficult for him to take his medication regularly. I hope that God does make me to pass away. “Sometime this is very difficult. Sometime I forget”. I’m not happy to live…. Soon I will lose my Kasim’s epilepsy has worsened since he has been mind, really. I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy, but in the UK and he has had to increase the dosage the way I’m going, I think I will lose my mind. of his medication. Life on the street is hard and he (Anwar, Somalia) worries about his family back home, particularly his mother. Aman (Iraq) has terrible nightmares and has considered suicide: Walid (Algeria) has had two heart attacks since he has been in the UK. He will be on medication for I have very bad sleeping. When I’m sleeping I life. He is currently homeless, even though his GP get like flashback, nightmare. I see things bad has written a letter to the Home Office saying that happen to my family…. Sometimes it came someone with his condition should not be living on to me to suicide myself. Yes, since I have not the street. got news about my family, and I can’t – I have no place to live here, that’s affected me a lot. Joshua (Ethiopia) reports generally feeling unwell: (Aman, Iraq) You see me, I’m not healthy. I’m not healthy. Faheem (Palestine) admits he was suicidal when I’m not healthy. I don’t feel strong, or powerful, he first moved to Birmingham after being badly no. I’m getting old. My health is not well…. beaten in Dover: Lack of food; can’t get food. Hard. It’s cold, and nowhere to go. (Joshua, Ethiopia) Sometimes I wanted to jump from the bridge in front of the train. I was damaged. I was Bisrat (Eritrea) lost his Section 4 accommodation miserable, painful. I didn’t want my life to carry in August 2016. For the first week after that he on like this; I just want it to end. (Faheem, slept on the street and soon became ill: Palestine) About a week, I sleep on the street, when At the time, Faheem was in shared Section 4 the first time I left the house [Section 4 accommodation. He would wake screaming in the

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