50 Exploring the difference made by Support at home please use this scoring card to answer the following questions... ShoWcard 2… none a little a lot Depends/ at all DK/NA/ Refuse 15. How much do you know about what help is available to you from 1 2 3 local organisations in your area? Would you say you know...read out Comments none a little a lot Depends/ Further details, at all DK/NA/ e.g. who? Refuse 16. How much contact do you have with other people, firstly, with: 16a. Family… read out… 1 2 3 16b. Friends…read out… 1 2 3 16c. Neighbours…read out… 1 2 3 16d. Anyone else? e.g. local people 1 2 3 or groups in your area 17. Can I just check would you like Yes / No / DK more contact with others? Comments none a little a lot Depends/ at all DK/NA/ Refuse 18. How much control do you have 1 2 3 over your daily life at the moment Comments Now, I’m going to read you a few statements, could you indicate for me using the scoring system on this card how much you agree or disagree with each one (SHOW CARD 3). One means you strongly disagree, 5 means you strongly agree. And the middle of the scale is 3. Strongly Strongly Depends/ disagree agree DK/NA/ Refuse 1 2 3 4 5 Write in 19. It’s easy for me to find someone who will really listen to me if I need 1 2 3 4 5 to talk Comments 20. I have activities that I enjoy doing 1 2 3 4 5 with my time Comments

Exploring the Difference Made by Support at Home Page 51 Page 53