In and out of hospital 9 Issues faced by the people we support “ It is to do with my walking ability, increases to 50 per cent for those aged over 7 I can stagger, I am not steady.” 80. All too often an avoidable fall can be the Female, 35-49 start of a downwards spiral. “ She has to get out of the chair, into her “ If I want to post a letter at the end of the wheelchair, to get to the commode the other street, I would just love to be able to just do side of the room, and that is quite a struggle, it. My balance has been poor since I had my in fact, she’s had a number of falls this week.” falls and I now I need an arm to balance.” Male, 75-84 Female, over 85 Our survey of just under 100 of our The overriding impression given by this independent living service users provides a research is just how scary everyday activities unique insight into the lives of those who rely can be to people who struggle with their on our health and social care system. mobility. People are effectively afraid of their The participants were a range of ages and own front door, the shower, going to the post used a range of Red Cross services, from A&E office, changing the lightbulbs, the staircase, assisted discharge and transport, to our home and so on. from hospital and support at home services. “ I’ve got a shower over the bath. That is a little Over 90 per cent of those surveyed were bit of a difficulty, even now. I have to sort of limited by a health problem or disability get my legs cocked over the bath, to get expected to last at least 12 months. The even into the bath to get my shower.” majority were limited by a mobility issue or Female, 75-84 by stamina or breathing difficulty. They also We believe that that there are usually relatively often had more than one long-term issue and simple solutions to these well-founded fears: 38 per cent had three or more conditions. the provision of mobility aids, exercise classes Feeling unsafe to build up strength, checking for falls hazards at home. It’s estimated that addressing falls Over half the people we spoke to did not feel hazards in the home could save the NHS in England £435m a year.8 completely safe in their own home. People who are ‘limited a lot’ by a long-term health disability were, perhaps unsurprisingly, more likely to say Struggling with everyday tasks they feel less safe in and outside their home. On average, our service users reported having The most common reason people felt unsafe difficulty with seven out of 15 everyday tasks: was around falling outside the home (68 per ranging from doing work around the house, cent) and inside the home (57 per cent). These getting dressed, managing finances and fears are not unfounded: 30 per cent of people washing to preparing a hot meal. aged over 65 will fall at least once a year; this 7 Public Health England. 8 Public Health England Falls and fracture consensus statement Supporting commissioning for prevention (January 2017).

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