The fire could have Photos on opposite page: © Layton Thompson/BRC, © Sean W killed me, so it was really nice to have the Red Cross there. I want to say thank you for their help and support Peter Tibbitts, Edgbaston ilton/Manchester Evening News, © Phil Hill/UNP . Photo on this page: © Christopher Furlong/Getty Images. Emergency response Every year we respond to thousands of emergencies in the As parts of the UK UK, playing a key role supporting the emergency services. were hit by serious From floods and heavy snow to house fires and transport flooding in summer 2012, Red accidents, we are ready to respond. Cross volunteers and staff helped the emergency services evacuate homes across the country. From West Sussex to North Wales, our teams helped Key facts get people out of homes that were flooded or at risk, and transport them to rest centres. > In 2011, our volunteers and staff > We have many emergency We also provided support at a hospital in Aberystwyth for responded to 4,200 emergency response partnerships around people who had fled their homes, including a lady in her call-outs in the UK. the UK, including with fire and 80s who had lost everything when her bungalow flooded. rescue services, ambulance And as heavy rain turned the Isle of Wight Festival into a > We helped 27,000 people in an services and local authorities. mudbath, Red Cross teams helped the emergency services emergency in 2011. care for hundreds of revellers affected by the bad weather.

Introducing the British Red Cross - Page 5 Introducing the British Red Cross Page 4 Page 6