Photos on opposite page: © Theo Moye/Apex, © Simon Ridgway/UNP Humanitarian education In an increasingly complex world, we recognise how important it is for children and young people to have a greater understanding of humanitarian issues. That’s why we work closely with schools across the UK, helping them provide valuable education on a range of local and global issues. , Photo on this page: © Simon Ridgway/UNP Key facts > 183,300 children and > 20 percent of our volunteers in young people learned about the UK are aged 18-26. humanitarian issues and international humanitarian > We can provide trained school law through our education speakers on a range of topics, . programmes in 2011.including child soldiers and humanitarian law. I’ve been with the Red Cross for two years now. You get a lot out of it, and it provides a chance to get work with some really great people. Robert MacLean, 16, first aid volunteer, Skye

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