Main findings Overall, our report found that the current Fact box processes in place to look after and transfer 2 unaccompanied children are insufficient. (accurate as of August 2016) : They are: > 1,022 (Help Refugees) unaccompanied refugee minors in Calais. Inaccessible > 178 childr en in Calais have family links > A lack of age and language-appropriate to the UK and are likely eligible under information to help children make decisions. Dublin III for transfer to the UK. > A lack of human resources, including > 72 childr en have been successfully administrative staff and interpreters, to enable reunited with a family member in the UK children to access asylum services, and then from the Calais camp, thanks to the work to make the transfers once approved. of voluntary organisations. Unsafe > No childr en without family links to the > A shortage of safe accommodation for UK have been transferred under the unaccompanied children, despite the state Dubs amendment since it was passed. being obligated to provide it. > 10-11 months is the average time it > A lack of safeguarding provisions in the takes to process cases under Dublin III*. camp, leaving children living alongside adults (*from the time a voluntary organisation identifies with inadequate shelter, nutrition, healthcare, the child to them reaching the UK) education or psychosocial support. Restrictive > From appointments in France, to Home Office responses, and getting a final transfer date, there are lengthy waiting times which vary from child to child. This leaves children disillusioned and losing hope. > Insufficient discretion or consideration is made for the child’s vulnerability and circumstances. Not sustainable > Continued reliance on voluntary groups, including lawyers working pro bono, in processing Dublin III cases is not sustainable, and, without a significant injection of resources, will eventually lead to a standstill as voluntary organisations become saturated with increasingly heavy caseloads. Photo © Mirva Helenius/Finnish Red Cr > The lack of a process for children without family in the UK means that the spirit of the Dubs amendment – to assist the most vulnerable children in Europe – is not being met. oss No place for children 4

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