According to this Section, ‘local authorities should Question 3: Developing a commissioning develop a clear, local approach to prevention which strategy for prevention sets out how they plan to fulfil this responsibility, taking into account the different types and focus of 3. a) Whether you have developed a 68 preventative support…’ ‘commissioning strategy for prevention’ as per 2.24 of the Care and Support Statutory While four respondents confirmed that they have Guidance (within “Developing a local not developed such an approach, the remaining 22 approach to preventative support”) published referred to pre-Care Act strategies or new plans that in October 2014. are not specific to prevention. b) And whether this clearly specifies and includes a range of examples of all three types of prevention set out in Chapter 2 of the Care and Support Statutory Guidance (“Preventing, reducing or delaying needs”) published in October 2014. Fifteen responses to question 3a) were either unclear or unanswered. Of the remaining 134, just over a quarter (36) have developed a commissioning strategy for prevention as per Section 2.24 of the statutory guidance and a further 25 are in the process Just over half (45) of the local approaches to of doing so. prevention that have already been developed clearly specify and include a range of examples According to this Section, ‘a local authority’s of all three types of prevention. A further 26 (30 commissioning strategy for prevention should per cent) clearly include a range of examples for consider the different commissioning routes available, all three types of prevention without specifying the 70 and the benefits presented by each.’ different types of prevention. Twenty local authorities confirmed they have not Eighteen (67 per cent) of the 27 local approaches to developed a commissioning strategy for prevention. prevention being developed will specify and include The others have refreshed existing commissioning a range of examples of the three types of prevention. strategies or developed new ones that are not It was not clear whether the remaining ones being specific to prevention. developed specified and included a range of examples of all three types of prevention. Of all the commissioning strategies (new and old), 40 (30 per cent) clearly specify and As noted in the statutory guidance, ‘prevention include a range of examples of all three types should be seen as an ongoing consideration and not of prevention, 15 will do and 31 include a 69 a single activity or intervention’. With this in mind, range of examples for all three types of it is likely local authorities’ approaches to prevention prevention without specifying the different will continue to develop over time. types of prevention. Recommendation: Recommendation: > Those local authorities yet to do so should > Those local authorities yet to do so develop a local approach to prevention. should develop a commissioning strategy for This approach should clearly specify and prevention or at least update their existing include a range of examples of all three types commissioning strategies to reflect the changes of prevention set out in Chapter 2 of the made through the Care Act. These should current Care and Support Statutory Guidance clearly specify and include a range of examples (“Preventing, reducing or delaying needs”). of all three types of prevention. British Red Cross Prevention in action [email protected] 22 l l

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