Figure 14. Levels of participation and willingness in actions which could help tackle loneliness % Ask people other than my friends and family how they are 513485 Stop for short chat in street with neighbours/members of comunity612889 Regularly call/drop in on family/neighbours for a chat464086 Help family/neighbours with transport to social events315177 Help family/neighbours with transport to appointments324678 Volunteer for a small amount of time a week, e.g. half an hour175369 Volunteer for a longer period of time e.g. half a day a week 124658 Run a regular shared interest group in my community83644 Run a regular food based event in my community53438Currently do Run regular community group based on sharing skills53438Don't currently but would be willing Source Q7: For each of the following, please say whether it is something you currently do, whether you would be willing to do it in the future, or if it is something you would not be willing to do. Base: All UK adults aged 16+ (2,523) Most people either already do, or would be willing As the commitment asked of an individual to do the relatively easy actions – ask people becomes more challenging, however, the how they are (51% currently, 34% willing), stop proportion currently undertaking the tasks for a short chat in the street with neighbours/declines, though there is still a degree of community members (61% currently, 28% willingness. The greatest current participation willing), and regularly call in on family/neighbours is for regular volunteering for a small amount of for a chat (46% currently, 40% willing). Three time a week, e.g. half an hour (17%), and it is this in ten currently help family/neighbours with which records the highest degree of willingness transport to social events/appointments, and a out of all tasks with which respondents were further 45% would be willing to do so. presented – 53% would be willing to do so. Involving the public in support to which they only need to commit a small amount of time may generate greater involvement, which could be built on in time if participation is seen as beneficial to all parties. What kind of support do people want and how do they want support delivered? 47

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