Lack of funding and resources Identifying individuals in need of support In the current financial climate, experts perceived The existence of social norms around coping that services and support to tackle loneliness with problems privately and the shame felt as – alongside other well-being and mental health an impact of stigma, presents barriers to early support services – were facing financial hardship. identification of those experiencing loneliness. This had a direct impact on their ability to identify Developing a framework for identifying those at and target those experiencing loneliness and risk, and therefore allowing timely intervention, to provide awareness and advertising on the was seen as crucial to mitigating this. A availability of services and support. There were framework which could be developed using concerns around the role of tackling loneliness joint expertise across service providers was as solely a charity and voluntary sector issue recommended, alongside providing targeted, and that more emphasis should be placed early, signposting so that temporary loneliness on opportunities for business, community did not become chronic. organisations and Government. There was “If you’re admitting you’re lonely – you’re recognition that this collaborative working could admitting you’ve failed in some way. It’s a help achieve more with fewer resources. diicult thing to talk about.” “Fundamental political approaches [are (Expert, Business) needed] to foster an inclusive, caring, society rather than a self-centred, divisive one. Central policies encouraging and supporting the voluntary sector would help hugely. As would less emphasis on austerity and more support for public services.” (Expert, Health) But there again, it's all down to money. The way the country is at the moment things get cut. And I just think this [support for people experiencing loneliness] will be one thing to get cuts. (Mobility, Male, Oldham, 75+) Photo: © iStock. What is the support landscape like for loneliness in the UK? 37

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