have children in the home, levels of self-reported to think of ‘older people’ being lonely – with almost loneliness (9% and 10% respectively) were below a third (30%) of respondents picking this as the average compared to the general population (18%). ‘most likely group to be lonely’, and 70% thinking Furthermore, these comparatively lower levels of that older people were in the ‘top 3’ audiences likely self-reported loneliness are in contrast to experience loneliness. to the higher levels recorded among younger We of course do not know from the general public age groups (32%). survey what drives this public perception of very Interestingly, the public perception of who is most high levels of loneliness in older age, but the likely to experience loneliness is out of sync with the mismatch highlighted by the research suggests that reality. When asked who they thought was most there is a need to broaden the public’s perception likely to be experiencing loneliness, the general of who is at risk of loneliness beyond the older public survey indicates that people are most likely age groups. Figure 4. Frequency of self-reported loneliness by target group Research target groups % of general pop% always/often lonely 64 20 vs. 18% Any target group (total) vs. 18% among general among general population and Aged 55+ and retired23 9 population and Both Both 13% among 13% among = 15% = 8%those not in Aged 55+ with no children at home2210 those not in these groups these groups Long-term physical/mental health conditions/illnesses2232 Experienced bereavement in last 2 years1919 Health issues impacting ability to get around1330NOTE: Small base of 27 – Have limited access to transport 1129more work needed to confirm Aged 35+ divorced/separated in last 12 months333prevalance among Aged under 25 and parent of a young child132this group Source Q8: Which of the following, if any, apply to you? Source Q1: How often do you feel lonely, if at all? Base: All in groups of interest. Loneliness is an important issue for the UK 18

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