There is low awareness of the support People experiencing loneliness prefer face- ¤ ¤ available to help people connect and to to-face services and support, including a tackle loneliness. The current landscape mix of more intense ‘one-on-one services’ was not seen as fit for purpose, with support and less formal ‘interest-led peer-to-peer viewed as piecemeal and fragmented; interaction.’ While digital services and support existing support was viewed as prioritising were seen as important, participants viewed older populations, a lack of local support these services as supplementing face-to-face created challenges for accessibility, one-support or helping an individual organise face- off/short-term interventions were seen as to-face connection. problematic, and there was a need for Our survey showed that the public believed informal support services.¤ that sometimes it was ‘small gestures’ which Those who already find engaging in social can make the most difference, and this was ¤ relationships difficult or challenging due to echoed by our experts and the people we other factors are more likely to be at risk of spoke to experiencing loneliness. There is experiencing loneliness. Other life stresses a need to seize the momentum expressed such as physical isolation or mental health by the general public currently towards issues can create increased barriers for small acts which can be undertaken on an people who in turn become more at risk individual level within local communities to of transitioning to chronic loneliness.improve social cohesion and connectedness The causes of loneliness are often complex, in communities. ¤ multi-layered and reinforcing. Loneliness Experts, the public, and individuals ¤ is caused by a combination of personal, experiencing loneliness are all accepting of community and broader society issues. the multiple roles the different players can People experiencing loneliness need different take in tackling loneliness by delivering both types of support depending on their individual formal and informal support. Consolidating circumstances (using preventative, responsive, and building on experience across charities and restorative models of support). To prevent and voluntary sector organisations, individuals and tackle loneliness, different stages of in communities, Government, businesses, need require a combination of formats and and employers could achieve more with less programmes (both formal and informal) as resource in providing sustainable, tailored individuals move along the spectrum from services and support to those experiencing temporary to chronic circumstances.loneliness. Loneliness therefore requires a society-wide response where the strengths of multiple partners are utilised. Executive summary 11

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