Executive summary Background The Co-op and British Red Cross have The research also involved capturing the views of established a partnership to tackle loneliness in experts in the field and carrying out a survey with the UK. The partnership commissioned specialist a representative sample of the UK public. For social research agency Kantar Public to carry further details on our approach, see Chapter 1. out rigorous research into loneliness in UK communities. The research focused on potential triggers for loneliness across life stages and Loneliness is an important issue built upon each organisation’s existing insights. for the UK Specifically, the research sought to understand:Loneliness was viewed as an issue of public 1. What the general public thinks about interest and the research found loneliness was a loneliness, including views on how serious a surprisingly common issue experienced by adults problem loneliness is, who experiences it, in the public. Yet, the public perceptions of who and the public’s role in reducing lonelinessexperiences loneliness is out of sync with the reality, with more people mistakenly perceiving it 2. The causes, experiences and impacts of as an issue faced either solely or predominately loneliness for six selected groups, each by older people. representing personal characteristics or life experiences that have the potential to trigger loneliness What causes loneliness, and how 3. How loneliness transitions from a temporary can it become chronic? situation to a chronic issue, and how to This research found that the causes of loneliness prevent this are often complex, multi-layered, and mutually 4. The support available for people experiencing reinforcing. Loneliness stems from a combination loneliness in the UK; including both formal of personal, community, and UK-wide factors services and informal community driven rather than being the product of one event or support, and any perceived gaps in provisionchange in circumstances. 5. What kind of support is needed to tackle The importance of role and identity was a loneliness, and what potential services recurring theme across our research; the lack users want. of identity or lack of clarity over assigned roles in society, for example caused by a life transition, was a key trigger for loneliness. When a person’s Who did we target for the research?identity or role was disrupted by an expected An initial literature review undertaken by the or sudden life event, this could cause an old partnership identified that loneliness is a identity to fall away and a new one with added widespread issue. There is much literature on responsibilities and burdens to appear. This loneliness in later life, but triggers for loneliness sometimes negatively affected the social across life stages is less well documented. connections of an individual – their friendships, Therefore, the research concentrated on acquaintances, family and colleagues. Our survey six target groups: young new mums (aged shows that 73% of those who stated they 18-24); individuals with mobility limitations; were always/often lonely fall within one of individuals with health issues; individuals who are the research target groups, which supports recently divorced or separated (within the last two the decision to include these groupings within the years); individuals living without children at home scope of the project. (‘empty nesters’) and retirees; and the recently bereaved (within the last six months to two years). Executive summary 6

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