prevent and tackle loneliness, different stages believe that sometimes it is ‘small gestures’ of loneliness require a combination of formats which can make the most difference such as and programmes (both formal and informal) saying hello to neighbours or asking family as individuals move along the spectrum from and friends how they are doing. There is a temporary to chronic circumstances.need to seize the momentum expressed Face-to-face services and support are by the general public currently towards ¤ small acts which can be undertaken on an preferred with those experiencing loneliness, including a mix of more intense ‘one-on-individual level within local communities to one services’ and ‘interest-led, peer-to-improve social cohesion and build peer interaction’. While digital services and community unity. support are important for certain groups Experts, the public and individuals are ¤ who may be restricted by mobility or health, accepting of the multiple roles taken on they are seen more as supplementing or as by multiple players in tackling loneliness a facilitator of face-to-face connection rather through both formal and informal support. than a substitute. Overwhelmingly, people in Consolidating and building on experience this research have shown that face-to-face across businesses, employers, Government interaction is preferred. and other health service providers should The general public who took part in our achieve more with less resource in providing ¤ sustainable, tailored services and support to survey are interested in small, personal steps to combat a serious social problem – easy those experiencing loneliness. Partnership ‘calls to action’ such as making the time to working with clearly defined roles is therefore speak to others in their community will help critical to future service design. Loneliness action feel more achievable. This was also therefore requires a society-wide response echoed by our experts and the people we where the strengths of multiple partners spoke to experiencing loneliness. The public are utilised. Conclusions 50

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