18 The following best practice example of restorative support – Men’s Sheds – demonstrates the strength of shared interest groups as a positive point of community and support for people experiencing loneliness, but not needing more intensive one-on-one support to reconnect. “The underlying concept of the Men's Shed project seems one that could be Focus on…Men’s Sheds (UK-wide) replicated for a range of activities and Aim: To tackle loneliness among middle-aged to groups. One of the great aspects of the older men. concept is that it is community-led with great support provided for setting up Summary: Work with men in a specific a group. It seems to be a great way to geographical area to develop social club around empower areas/communities to provide their common interests e.g. woodwork. their own solutions to meet the speciic needs of their area.” (Expert, Retired/empty nesters) What does good loneliness Support that gives a sense of purpose ¤ support look like? – Support or services that instil a sense of Across the research process, it became apparent purpose, a tangible output, are ideal. For that there was no one ‘format’ or ‘offering’ example, volunteering one’s time, taking part that was universally appealing for participants. in a course or personal development activity. Peer-led or co-designed support that Whereas one person might love the idea of a ¤ community gardening initiative as an informal way includes people in similar circumstances – to connect with others in their local community, It is essential that support is tailored with another might reject this as ‘too formal’ or target groups in mind, and reviewed and unappealing. Whilst some participants wanted revised with their input. The best way of services and support to be peer-led, others achieving this is seen as co-designed felt that having more formal ‘hosting’ might be approaches to service development, drawing beneficial. However, two key findings emerged on the lived experiences of the very people from across the research: 1) some principles of the service or support hopes to engage with. ‘best practice’ in providing services and 2) an Local to individuals and easy to access – ¤ interest in face-to-face services and support. Accessibility is seen as key for engaging with support users and encouraging people to use support on a regular rather than ad hoc basis. Overarching principles of effective Centrally located or easily accessible venues loneliness support are preferred. Drawing together insight from across the Free or affordable support – Where ¤ research, there are eight key principles that possible, providing free or subsidised support underpin participant and expert responses as is key for maximising engagement and to what good support looks like. Support that encouraging individuals to approach support embodies multiple principles is seen as more and continue to utilise it. effective in responding to the needs of its users. Support that instils a sense of identity for The principles of best practice support are: ¤ participants – This type of support looks to positively frame an individual’s identity and 18 http://menssheds.org.uk/ empower them. What kind of support do people want and how do they want support delivered? 41

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