Janis, * Cumbria Janis is 65 years old and is retired. At the hospital, Janis and her She enjoys going shopping, looking husband picked up a leaflet about Without the wheelchair, it after the grandchildren and getting wheelchair services, but none were is clear that Janis would out and about to see friends and close enough to their home in the have had to stay in hospital family. She broke her ankle falling countryside. However, one of the for longer, and there would down steps after attending a health hospital staff mentioned that the Red have been higher economic class. It was not immediately evident Cross might provide a wheelchair costs to hospital services that she had actually suffered a loan, and so her husband looked up mild break. That evening, the pain their nearest distribution centre in as a result. Apart from the had become much worse, so she order to obtain a wheelchair to get impact on hospital services, and her husband decided to go to Janis home. the short-term wheelchar A&E. After diagnosis, Janis had to loan helped Janis to move undergo minor surgery, and was in around at home more easily, plaster for six weeks. and she could get out of the house. Her husband felt that having the wheelchair reduced the likelihood of her falling and improved her quality of life overall. * Not her real name; telephone interview 24

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