Appendix E Note on definitions and calculations Regarding cost calculation workings, ‘Inpatients’ refers to people who are admitted to an available staffed bed in a hospital (either electively or as an emergency) and who either remain overnight (whatever the original intention) or who are expected to remain overnight but are discharged earlier. ‘Elective’ relates to treatment or care that is planned for by the hospital, rather than emergencies or outpatients (i.e. non-elective). ‘Day cases’ refer to episodes where a person makes a planned admission to an available staffed bed in a hospital for clinical care, and requires the use of a bed (or trolley in lieu of a bed) and is discharged on the same day as planned. We have omitted the unit cost per incident of needing to use a hospital wheelchair for follow-ups or re-admissions because PSSRU (2014) estimates (ranging from £91 to £183 unit cost per year, calculating 15–20 minutes of usage including a porter) would equate to comparatively small amounts that are less material to the analysis. 42

Wheels in Motion July 2015 Page 49 Page 51