Key themes illustrating the wider impacts of Awareness levels The wheelchair allowed short-term wheelchair loan. These The case studies showed that, individuals to retain a include special occasions and although all the participants in our sense of independence activities that bear no relation to research were eventually able to and reduced social economic impact: attendance at access a wheelchair, routes to doing isolation by retaining social school graduation, telling childhood so – and awareness of the service – peers about a wheelchair and being varied. connectedness. These a part of the community. benefits had a positive While awareness of the short-term Knowledge of the availability of impact on health through wheelchair loan service has been the short-term wheelchair loan an increased sense of shown to be low (based on referral service was prompted primarily by wellbeing and a renewed or word of mouth), the case studies hospital staff (including occupational positivity – ensuring and HCP interviews raised other therapists and physiotherapist) in concerns. around half the case studies, leaving a mutually dependent the remainder to find out about the relationship between the Some wheelchair users in this study service through a friend, neighbour health and social impact. reported surprise and disappointment or their own research. However, that the service was not provided as there is broad recognition from the standard by the NHS, with a number health care professionals interviewed reporting that they had explored the of the value associated with the reduced social isolation by retaining private purchase of a wheelchair but service. It would seem therefore social connectedness. These had found the cost to be prohibitive. that raising awareness among other benefits had a positive impact on “…we have to review the situation HCPs is an area for development. health through an increased sense to make sure the service user is The users who were not immediately of wellbeing and a renewed positivity not becoming dependent on the aware, or made aware, of the – ensuring a mutually dependent wheelchair and we don’t have to service reported the potential or relationship between the health and delay hospital discharge as long as perceived consequences of this lack social impact. Indeed, our interviews they have a bed, a toilet, crutches of knowledge. At its most extreme, with HCPs supported the interplay and a chair, then a wheelchair can one service user who had been between the health and social be sorted out after.” (occupational dependent on crutches on two benefits associated with short-term therapist). occasions in the last five years said wheelchair loan. that the service (had she known The benefits of short-term wheelchair The resulting picture is one in which about it) would have made a big loan were felt, not only by the both wheelchair users and HCPs difference to her life, making her wheelchair user but also by the wider agree to the value of short-term much less dependent on family and family unit, especially when the user wheelchair loans and the impact friends for her mobility. had a family member dependent upon they can have on recovery and/or them, or the wheelchair meant the wellbeing. However, where those Drivers of need and wider user had less need for care from family who have made use of a short-term consequences members. HCPs also recognised wheelchair loan err towards this While the case studies revealed these wider benefits. The different provision being ubiquitous, at least different reasons for needing a ages represented in the case studies some HCPs warn of dependency and short-term wheelchair loan, the illustrate these wider impacts on the need to exert control over access majority were medical-related and family. For younger users and those in order to avoid their overuse. followed a broken bone (related to an with younger dependents, the issue Previous Red Cross research underlying health condition including of reducing their own social isolation found that NHS wheelchair service at the end of life, or following an and therefore the social isolation of the managers equated short-term accident). However, within the case child came out strongly, whereas adult wheelchair provision with social studies, where the need fell outside members of the family were affected needs (Gardiner and Kutchinsky, of a broken bone, it was related to in other ways – particularly when the 2013), which they reported to a health condition requiring surgery, carer needed to take time off work. be the main reason why their a dislocation, or inability to walk So, while the wheelchair may not service did not provide short-term any distance. Interviews with HCPs eliminate the need for support from wheelchair loans. By contrast, the supported the need for short-term others, it can make things easier. HCPs interviewed for this current loan as being primarily for health- What should not be underestimated research identified the importance related reasons. beyond the satisfaction of health of orientating short-term wheelchair Although the preceding need was and social need is that wheelchairs provision within a longer-term primarily health-related, this affected were found to add value to users outcome. The value of on-going and was related to social need. The by enabling them to continue their monitoring and review – especially wheelchair allowed individuals to normal lives. The case studies by allied health professionals – was retain a sense of independence and revealed a number of examples also emphasised: 30

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