> That there are people who need > We call on NHS England, NHS and Wellbeing Strategies. short-term use of a wheelchair, Improving Quality and the > We call on decision-makers but whose needs are not being National Wheelchair Leadership in areas where budgets are met. Alliance to incorporate short-term being truly integrated – such > That the British Red Cross is wheelchair provision into the as the Greater Manchester meeting more humanitarian ‘My Voice, My Wheelchair, My Strategic Health and Social Care needs through provision of short- Life’ programme of work and the Partnership Board – to seize this term wheelchair loans than any ‘Right Chair, Right Time, Right opportunity to eradicate the false other organisation in England, at Now’ campaign to transform distinction between people’s significant cost to our charitable wheelchair services in England. clinical and social needs for funds. > There is no estimate of the need short-term wheelchair loans, and Action: for short-term wheelchair loans to incorporate their provision into at any one time. We urge the integrated models of health and > The British Red Cross will act government – working with NHS social care. to raise awareness among England and NHS Improving health care professionals of Quality – to investigate this. > We call on the Government the preventative value of short- and NHS England to enable term wheelchair loans and of > We call on the government, an environment whereby local our short-term wheelchair loans NHS England, NHS Improving initiatives to integrate health and service. Quality, local authorities, HWBs, social care services (such as CCGs and NHS wheelchair better care fund plans, integration > We call on the government, NHS services to work together to meet pioneers and new models of care England and NHS Improving humanitarian needs within the vanguard sites) can incorporate Quality to recognise the established policy framework of the provision of short-term preventative value of short-term promoting individual wellbeing wheelchair loans into their wheelchair loans, both in terms and enabling people to live the planning and practice. of the positive outcomes they lives they choose and value. achieve for people and their families, and the associated cost > We call on members of savings to the public purse. parliament and chairs of HWBs to take a local lead on ensuring > We call on the Government that the preventative value of to incorporate the meeting of short-term wheelchair loans is short-term mobility needs into the recognised at the beginning of NHS Mandate to NHS England, the local commissioning cycle, within theme 3) Helping people to by ensuring that provision of recover from episodes of ill health wheelchairs for short-term use or following injury. is incorporated into Joint Health 33

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