Sameena is a mother and home- maker. She has three children, including a baby girl who she is still nursing. She is registered disabled due to muscular dystrophy, a progressive condition that gradually Sameena, causes the muscles to weaken. In January 2015, Sameena fell at * home and broke her ankle. She was Nottinghamshire in a plaster cast for five weeks and unable to bear weight on her ankle for several more weeks after the cast was removed. The hospital only allowed Sameena home because her mother was able to look after her and the baby for two weeks after discharge, and because she has her own transit wheelchair. This type of wheelchair requires someone to push the occupant, as it is not self-propelling. Social care was provided, with two short visits a day from carers to help with personal care and meals. After two weeks, however, Sameena’s mother had to return home to care for her frail and ill father; they live over 100 miles away. This meant Sameena’s husband had to go to half-time working for a week, and Sameena and her husband feel this did not go down well with his employer. Sameena’s mother was able to help out for only the first two weeks of Sameena’s recovery. After this, Sameena’s husband worked half-time for one week. Sameena had carers during this time and also for the following three weeks. During the latter three weeks she had to be on her own at home more with her baby, and she would have required a much higher level of support from her carers had she not been able to borrow the Red Cross wheelchair. * Not her real name. 14

Wheels in Motion July 2015 - Page 22 Wheels in Motion July 2015 Page 21 Page 23