2 Methods Research aims and Identification and methods selection of case study The aims of the research were participants to gain insight into how service Potential case study participants users perceive the impact of their were recruited via a two-stage short-term wheelchair loan on process: a) identification of themselves, their families, friends geographic area (study site), and b) or carers and, based on this data, selection of potential participants to calculate the economic impact within that area. of the Red Cross short-term wheelchair loan service in terms of Five areas across England were the logical cost savings to health selected as case study sites. or social care services in those This fulfilled the need to have cases. representation from rural and urban The research aims were areas. These areas had higher levels achieved through a mixed of wheelchair loan to provide a wide method design, which used case sample base. studies to provide information Key staff at the selected sites were for the economic evaluation, contacted and worked with to help and interviews with health care identify potential participants who professionals to validate the had some key characteristics: assumptions made during the > they had loaned a wheelchair economic evaluation. within the last 12 months and for less than six months in total (short-term) 9

Wheels in Motion July 2015 - Page 17 Wheels in Motion July 2015 Page 16 Page 18