As part of our research we asked the public about how well-equipped they felt their Where people in the UK feel community as a whole would be to cope with most and least prepared a range of major incidents, many of which the British Red Cross responded to last year, such as major fires, floods and power outages. Half of people feel their community would be unprepared to cope with a large-scale emergency. The findings show that half of people (50%) feel their community would be unprepared to cope with a large-scale emergency – rising to 58% in the North West where people expressed greatest concern. Interestingly, the findings from our research showed that, across the board, people living in coastal areas – places which are arguably prone to weather-related emergencies – feel more confident to cope with a major incident than people living further inland. What is concerning is that the types of emergencies that at least half of people felt their communities were least prepared for included some of the most common incidents Percentage of people who agree that they that the British Red Cross is called out feel prepared for an emergency to - including fires and flooding, as well as 61+% 51-60% 41-50% 0-40% incidents like evacuations, water outages and gas explosions. Source: Reference 1. To view the data used to create the above map, please see the . Overall, two thirds of people who Appendix experienced an emergency felt that there was more their community could have done to help if they knew how. 10

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