Overall, two thirds of people (66%) who had experienced an emergency said they had Areas where people feel they have helped out in some way. Of those who didn’t, the highest and lowest sense of 26% said it was either because they didn’t community spirit know how to help or they didn’t think they had the right skills. This is further emphasised by the fact that two thirds of people who experienced an emergency felt that there was more that their community could have done to help if they knew how. The community reserve volunteer scheme addresses this by offering people both the opportunity to help and the knowledge to understand what is useful in a coordinated response to an emergency. How people helped when they experienced a crisis 7% 11% 15% 66% Percentage of people who agree that there is a good sense of community spirit in their area: 96-100% 90-95% 86-90% 80-85% Source: . Reference 1 Helped with their local emergency To view the data used to create the above map, please see the . Appendix Wanted to help, but didn’t know how Wanted to help, but didn’t think they had the skills Did not want to help Source: . Reference 1 8

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