Foreword from Aviva At Aviva, we understand just how traumatic events like fires and floods can be. We want to go beyond simply paying out claims to fix any damage in the aftermath. We also want to help our customers and their communities prepare for and respond quickly to such crises when they happen. As far as possible, we want to help limit or prevent damage from happening in the first place. Our partnership with the British Red Cross allows us to do just that. This report shows that people are becoming Red Cross, we have provided training to increasingly concerned about emergencies our frontline claims teams to help them better happening in their community. The vast identify and manage the emotional impact of majority would want to get involved and help, major events on the wellbeing of customers yet too many say they would not know where as well as on their own mental health. to start. The majority of those surveyed also No matter how much we prepare, we cannot believe more can be done to improve prevent every crisis. This report highlights local co-operation. just how much people want to be involved So Aviva and the British Red Cross are in helping their neighbours when the worst working together to address some of these happens; it shows that people would in fact concerns and help more communities do take great pride in being able to do so. We more to help themselves. are proud to be involved with the community Aviva has sponsored the British Red Cross reserve volunteers programme to allow many free Emergency app, which sends live more people to make that difference when emergency alerts to people in their local area their community needs it most. so they can prepare. We are also trialling Andy Briggs Community Flood Workshops so emergency Chief Executive Officer, UK Insurance responders and local community members can discuss how to prevent or prepare for a flood, and what would be needed in their area should one hit. We understand that the effects of flooding and other disasters go beyond the physical. Our claims people are often among the first on the scene when major events happen and they can stay with communities for many weeks afterwards to support our customers and help manage claims. Through the British 4

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