28 Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience FIgURE 3 AgREEMENT ThAT INDIvIDUAl RESIlIENCE INCREASED AS A RESUlT oF FIRST AID TRAININg A MORE CAPABLE PERSON resilience MORE RELIABLE IN AN EMERGENCY l A idu A MORE DETERMINED PERSON V indi BETTER AT FINDING MY WAY on OUT OF DIFFICULT SITUATIONS ct A P im 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percent safety risks (46% compared with 62%, 3.4 individual resilience respectively).25 3.4.1 Relationship between individual This reinforces the need to consider a range of resilience and first aid training different types of communities when targeting or promoting training. The majority of Trained respondents thought that they were more capable and reliable in an emergency as a result of their first aid training 3.3.7 Effect of age on community (figure 3). resilience > The qualitative data also suggests that first While we cannot determine to what extent other aid training can have a positive psychological community members matched the respondent effect that is separate from learning the specific in terms of age, the age of a respondent also skills. For example one respondent explained appeared to relate to the degree to which they “having this kind of training makes people agreed with the community resilience measures; feel more capable and valued to provide useful where those aged 19 years or under had the help to others”, and another commented lowest levels of agreement across the questions “it feels good being able to help”. 26 asked. > The focus groups also revealed that people thought they would now feel less helpless in an emergency as a result of their first aid training. In the words of one respondent: 25 Mean is displayed within the range of 0-1. Access to a first aid kit, based on where live 0.59: not based on where live 0.76, t(504)=4.30, p<0.01. “It’s an emotional thing as well, you know, Reduce risks to health and safety, based on where live 0.46: not based like you won’t feel helpless if you came across on where live 0.62, t(504)=3.62, p<0.01. 26 The following percentages are for those in each age group who agreed that. If you’re in that position then you or strongly agreed with each question. Percentages are given in the wouldn’t just be standing there not knowing following age group order: 19 years or under, 20 – 39 years, 40 – 59 years, 60 years or over. Feel part of community: 75%, 91%, 92%, 98%. what to do. You are able to take action.” Members know me: 78%, 81%, 88%, 90%. Watch out for each other: 65%, 83%, 82%, 89%. Willing to help each other: 64%, 88%, 89%, 94%. Willing to provide first aid to each other: 58%, 80%, 75%, 76%. > Although Trained respondents rated the Rely on each other to provide first aid: 58%, 66%, 68%, 67%. Take factors of individual resilience highly, it action in scenario: 83%, 92%, 96%, 95%. People know respondent had first aid training: 32%, 40%, 41%, 46%. Know someone to go to for first was the Control group who exhibited the aid help: 71%, 76%, 77%, 80%. People know how to give first aid: 26%, 39%, 34%, 31%.

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