Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 29 strongest individual resilience. Control to agree with these statements more strongly respondents agreed with all aspects of than younger respondents.31 individual resilience, apart from pride in accomplishment, more strongly than It is promising that first aid training is positively Trained respondents.27 However, this related to individual resilience; namely that difference could potentially be explained people think they are more capable as a person by the high percentage of workplace and reliable in an emergency as a result of their respondents in the Control group (53%), training, and that people with greater individual which was more than twice that of the resilience exhibit greater willingness and Trained group (21%). When explored confidence to provide first aid. However, the further, it was the workplace respondents relationships appear to be stronger for some who exhibited significantly higher levels people than others, where those who received 28 of individual resilience. training in the workplace exhibited greater individual resilience than those who received > Willingness and confidence to give first aid other types of training, and those aged 19 years were both moderately positively correlated or under exhibited lower individual resilience with the capable and reliable aspects of than older respondents. 29 individual resilience. The more willing respondents were to give first aid, the more It must also be noted that we cannot determine strongly they agreed that they were a capable the direction of these relationships, so it is person (r=0.35) or reliable in an emergency unclear as to whether individual resilience is built (r=0.46). Confidence showed the same pattern, as a result of first aid training, or that people where respondents who were more confident with greater resilience to begin with are naturally to give first aid were likely to more strongly more willing, confident, or likely to recognise the agree they were a capable person (r=0.41) benefits of training. or reliable in an emergency (r=0.43). With regards to feeling that aspects of individual resilience had increased as a result of first aid, willingness was higher amongst those who more strongly agreed that their capability had increased (r=0.41), and both willingness and confidence were higher amongst those who more strongly agreed they were more reliable in an emergency following training (willingness r=0.41; confidence r=0.43). > Comparison of individual resilience across respondents also revealed that it varies with age. Strength of agreement that the respondent was a determined person, reliable in an emergency, and proud that they had 30 accomplished things in life, all increased with age, where older respondents tended 27 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5. Capable, Trained 4.1: Control 4.4, t(608)=-3.97, p<0.01. Determined, Trained 4.0: Control 4.3, t(605)=- 3.23, p<0.01. Can find a way out of difficult situations, Trained 4.0: Control 4.2, t(607)=-3.24, p<0.01. Reliable in an emergency, Trained 3.9: Control 4.2, t(607)=-2.89, p<0.01. 28 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5. Capable, workplace 4.4: not workplace 4.1, t(576)=-4.87, p<0.01. Can find a way out of difficult situations, workplace 4.1: not workplace 4.0, t(575)=-3.29, p<0.01. Reliable in an emergency, workplace 4.1: not workplace 3.9, t(575)=- 3.72, p<0.01. 29 The correlation between two variables is the extent to which there is a linear relationship between them. That is, the degree to which one increases if the other increases (positive correlation), or one decreases as the other increases (negative correlation). The closer to 1 or -1, the stronger the relationship. 30 Reported as a statistically significant positive linear regression. Regressions indicate the relationship between two variables, where the typical value of a dependent variable changes when the independent 31 Positive linear relationship. Determined F(1,597)=8.32, p<0.01. Reliable variable varies. Positive linear relationships show that the higher the in an emergency F(1,599)=3.91, p<0.05. Proud of accomplishments score on one variable, the higher the other is on average. F(1,599)=8.22, p<0.01.

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