24 Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience FIgURE 2 AgREEMENT ThAT PEoPlE IN ThEIR CoMMUNITy KNoW hoW To gIvE FIRST AID By RECENCy oF RESPoNDENT’S PREvIoUS TRAININg 70 60 gree 50 A 40 30 20 Percent who 10 0 In the last year 1 to 5 years ago 6 or more years ago when hAd trAining PreViously 3.3.3 Learning > Of those in the Control group who had been trained at some point in the past, people who > A direct link emerged between learning and had been trained more recently were more first aid training, where Trained respondents likely to agree or strongly agree that people were one-and-a-half times more likely to agree in their community know how to give first that people in their community know how to aid (figure 2). give first aid in an emergency (35% compared 10 with 25%, respectively). However, this link > Within the Trained group, people who appears to have been driven by having had been trained more than once were attended training with other community significantly more likely than those who members rather than attending training at all, had only been trained the once to agree as Control respondents had similar levels of that people in their community know they agreement to those in the Trained group who (the respondent) had been trained (41% 12 had not been trained with other members of compared with 30%, respectively). their community (25% and 26% respectively agreed or strongly agreed). > Communities in which other members had attended the first aid training alongside the > In terms of knowing someone in the respondent scored higher on all aspects of community to go to for first aid help, Control learning than communities in which the respondents had similar agreement to Trained, respondent was trained as an individual.13 but were two-and-a-half times more likely than Trained to answer “don’t know” to the > Respondents who did not attend the first question (13% compared with 5%, aid training alongside other members of their respectively). community were two-and-a-half times more likely than those who did to answer that > Within the Control group itself, people they “don’t know” if many people in the who had been trained previously were over community know how to give first aid six times more likely to agree that people in (25% compared with 10%, respectively). their community know that they will be receiving first aid training than those who 12 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5, more than once 3.1: once 2.8, had never been trained (50% compared t(397)=-2.74, p<0.01. 11 13 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5. People know that respondent with 8%, respectively). had first aid training, others trained 3.2: trained individually 2.8, t(365)=- 10 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5, Trained 3.1: Control 2.8, 3.75, p<0.01. Know someone to go to for first aid help, others trained t(412)=1.99, p<0.05. 4.1: trained individually 3.6, t(430)=-5.63, p<0.01. People know how to 11 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5, trained previously 3.4: never give first aid, others trained 3.2: trained individually 2.9, t(324)=-2.45, trained 2.5, t(69)=-2.75, p<0.01. p<0.05.

Assessing the Links Between First Aid Training and Community Resilience - Page 26 Assessing the Links Between First Aid Training and Community Resilience Page 25 Page 27