Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience 23 people’s confidence in their ability to provide first aid. It seems, therefore, that social connectedness is not a result of first aid training as a whole and instead may already be established before attending training, although it is heightened in those who are trained together as a community, and for those individuals who are trained more than once. 3.3.2 Community efficacy for a first aid emergency > Community efficacy was similar between the Trained and Control groups, and, within the Control group, those having had previous training or not. This suggests that community efficacy is also not a result of first aid training as a whole. > Respondents in the Trained group tended to more strongly agree with all aspects of trained would be able to cope better in an community efficacy if other members of that emergency, for example in one respondent’s community were trained alongside them, words “between us, we’re going to be able compared with if they received the first aid to cope”. training as an individual.6 > People who were more willing to provide > Trained respondents who had received first first aid were also significantly more likely aid training more than once were significantly to agree that their community had each of more likely to agree that people in their the community efficacy measures.8 community are willing to provide first aid to each other in emergency, as compared with > Confidence was only significantly related those who had only been trained the once to two out of the three community efficacy 7 (76% compared with 65%, respectively). measures. Respondents who more strongly agreed that people in their community could > Analysis of qualitative data also suggests a rely on each other to provide first aid, or benefit to community efficacy if community that their community would take action in members are trained together: the scenario described, were more confident about their personal ability to give first aid 9 “I feel that if you are learning with people than those who did not. Respondent you know you are more likely to undertake the confidence was not related to a community’s challenge together and be more comfortable willingness to provide first aid to each other. with touching people initially that you know than a complete stranger. Once people are As with social connectedness, this suggests trained they are more willing to go into the that while community efficacy is not caused by outside world knowing they are qualified attendance at first aid training, it is heightened in and capable of doing first aid to a stranger.” those who are trained together as a community, and for those who are trained more than once. > Qualitative data further suggests that communities in which more people were 8 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-40. Willing to provide first aid to each other, agree 34.9: do not agree 33.6, t(511)=-2.49, p<0.05. Rely on 6 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5. Willing to provide first aid to each other to provide first aid, agree 35.1: do not agree 33.6, t(516)=- each other, agree 4.0: do not agree 3.9, t(407)=-2.31, p<0.05. Rely on 3.17, p<0.01. Take action in scenario, agree 34.6: do not agree 32.8, each other to provide first aid, agree 3.9: do not agree 3.7, t(410)=-2.63, t(468)=-2.14, p<0.05. p<0.01. Take action in scenario, agree 3.4: do not agree 3.2, t(371)=- 9 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-20. Rely on each other to 2.07, p<0.05. provide first aid, agree 16.2: do not agree 15.2, t(513)=-3.65, p<0.01. 7 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-5, more than once 4.0: once 3.8, Take action in scenario, agree 15.8: do not agree 14.6, t(468)=-2.34, t(444)=-2.31, p<0.05. p<0.05.

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