30 Assessing the links between first aid training and community resilience TABlE 1 willingness and confidence to give first aid by age Very/quite willing Very/quite confident Age Percent 19 years and under 84 77 20 – 39 years 93 87 40 – 59 years 95 89 60 years and over 92 79 3.5 elaborating on the outcomes People who had been trained more than once of first aid training were more confident to provide first aid than those who had only been trained once.34 > Overall, people were significantly more willing to provide first aid to people they know than > Within the Control group, there was no people they did not know.32 difference in confidence between those who had or had never received training. However, > People were also more willing to help if the among those in the Control group who incident was less severe. That is, more people had been trained, there was a significant were quite or very willing to help someone relationship between recency of training and who was choking (94%) or had a minor burn confidence to give first aid, where people who (94%) compared with someone who was had been trained within the last 5 years were unconscious and breathing (92%) or not significantly more confident than those who 35 breathing (89%), or who had a severe bleed had been trained 6 or more years ago. (90%). Similarly, more people were quite or very confident in their ability to give first aid > There was strong qualitative evidence that in less severe situations (88% for minor people felt more confident to provide first aid situations compared with 82% for severe). as a result of their training. According to one respondent: > Willingness and confidence also varied depending on age. As shown in table 1, those “Ignorance of how to apply first aid can lead aged 19 years and under had lower levels of to a lack of confidence, which can lead to no willingness and confidence than people in older action being taken… I might hesitate in case age groups. I made things worse, but if I have repeated refresher courses, my confidence should increase, leading to me having a try! Memory 3.5.1 Evidence for increased confidence fades very fast and I would welcome yearly as an outcome of first aid training courses (if money available).” > When comparing the confidence of the Control group versus the Trained group, the Trained 3.5.2 Questioning willingness as an group were more confident in their ability to outcome of first aid training 33 provide first aid. > There was no difference in willingness between > Confidence was also compared between those the Trained and Control group, or between in the Trained group who had received first aid those within the Control group who had or training previous to their most recent training, had never been trained. and those who had only been trained once. 32 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-20, know 17.8: did not know 34 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-20, more than once 16.3: once 16.7, t(1224)=7.37, p<0.01. 15.2, t(529)=-3.83, p<0.01. 33 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-20, Trained 16.0: Control 14.4, 35 Mean is displayed within the range of 1-20, within the last 5 years 15.9: 6 t(608)=4.50, p<0.01. or more years ago 12.7, t(54)=3.61, p<0.01.

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