52 Exploring the difference made by Support at home The POST service interview asked all of the questions in the PRE interview above (except 14, 17, 21 and 26) plus an additional section (below) asking for views and experiences of the service and some demographic data. poSt- service Questionnaire (Section 2) Now I’d like to ask you about the support that the Red Cross provided over the past few weeks, for your experiences and views of this support. Your answers will help us improve our service. 23. First of all, can you tell me a bit about the support you got from the Red Cross. What did they help you with over the last few weeks? intErViEWEr: We need as much detail as possible at this question. probES: How many visits did you get? Who visited you and what did they do? What happened on visit 1, visit 2, visit 3… etc.? Did you get any telephone calls? Did you get any practical support? anything else? 24. Can I just check, were you visited by the same Same / Different / DK / only had 1 visit person each time or did you see different people? Details 25. Do you know if they were staff or a volunteer? Staff / Volunteer / Both / DK 26. What was the best thing about the Red Cross support for you? What was most helpful? 27. Was there anything you didn’t find helpful? 28. Was there anything you needed that the Red Cross didn’t provide? 29. And how did you find the way you were treated by Red Cross staff and volunteers? PROBES: Were they helpful or unhelpful? Were they easy to talk to or not always? 30. Was the Red Cross service explained clearly to you? Were you clear what support they could Yes / No / DK offer you? Comments 31. I’d like you to think about whether the Red Cross helped you to get support from any other services – either by referring you to other places or by telling you about them? First of all, did they help you get support from: 31a. any health services Yes / No / DK / Not needed

Exploring the Difference Made by Support at Home Page 53 Page 55