14 In and out of hospital “ In adult social care… the waiting list can be three months and what happens then is you only deal with crises rather than dealing with all the preventative work that would stop that from happening… I think the threshold criteria goes up because, if it's something that can wait, if it's not an emergency, it will just be put to one side until they’ve dealt with all the crises.” Social worker, Bradford Lack of resources is seen to be a key barrier and, because of budget constraints, people get help only when they reach crisis point. “ Our organisation does nothing [in relation to prevention], our resources have been scaled back so much. I think we’ve had so many cuts to staff, now it appears to be the sole focus from a Trust perspective is to get people out of the beds.” Physiotherapist, Warmley Participants from almost all groups spoke positively about falls prevention initiatives, such as hospital-based physiotherapists asking out- patients over 60 to routinely complete a falls questionnaire; routine falls assessments in A&E, exercise classes, proactive falls hazards checks and so on. However, they also noticed falls prevention schemes in the community being cut, most typically due to stretched adult social care budgets.

In and Out of Hospital - Page 14 In and Out of Hospital Page 13 Page 15