Conclusion and recommendations Over 100 articles and reports have been Coherence between target groups reviewed for this report. While several and interventions potential target groups have been identified, It is important not to think of target groups and there are many more to consider and for interventions in isolation, but to keep both in each group there may be several articles, mind throughout the decision-making process. reports or book chapters that further our Any decisions made about which groups to understanding of those groups’ experiences support through the partnership should be able of loneliness or isolation. There are also to demonstrate coherence between the choice of groups who are likely to experience several groups and the potential interventions designed of the risk factors associated with different to support those groups. In other words, it might clusters, making them much more likely to not be possible to support certain groups due to be socially isolated and/or lonely. Special the nature of the interventions needed, whereas consideration should be given to whether certain interventions may sound attractive but these groups might be supported through may not be effective for the groups selected. the the British Red Cross and Co-op partnership. Further research Regardless of which groups are selected, it should be expected that the primary research partners undertake a rapid review of the literature to understand the nature of those groups, the impact of isolation and loneliness on the individuals concerned, and the kinds of interventions that might be effective. Some of this information may also come from experts or stakeholders of interest in different sectors. Isolation and loneliness 29

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