Involving individuals throughout the Evaluation and monitoring process The characteristics of effective interventions Any individuals from the groups that are should be used as a starting point for designing targeted should be involved in the design and new initiatives (Cattan et al. 2005; Grenade implementation of the intervention as much and Boldy 2008), but innovative interventions as possible. Understanding the specific needs for social isolation and loneliness should be of individuals and the situations they are piloted and evaluated because of the magnitude currently experiencing is essential in order to of the health risks (Coyle and Dugan 2012). identify appropriate responses. According to Interventions targeting loneliness and isolation the research, giving individuals more say in the could potentially be cost neutral, due to the support they receive, and how it is carried out, is potential pay-offs in health care costs that would more likely to lead to better outcomes (Cattan et otherwise occur. Furthermore, many current al. 2005). efforts to reduce social isolation in the community Tackling social versus emotional rely heavily on volunteers, which could also isolation maintain low costs. However, robust process and outcome evaluations would need to be carried Creating opportunities for social relations does out in tandem with the intervention to ensure that not always balance the discrepancy between there is evidence to support any claims about desired and actual levels of social interaction, or the financial and non-financial effectiveness of feelings of loneliness, and these limitations should particular interventions. be considered when designing interventions. Ameliorating feelings of loneliness is more complex, but by reducing social isolation through the provision of social connections, there is a greater possibility to develop emotionally satisfying relationships and thereby reduce feelings of loneliness. Conclusion and recommendations 30

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