UCLA loneliness scale (version 3) A 20-item scale designed to measure one’s subjective feelings of loneliness as well as feelings of social isolation. Participants rate each item as O (“I often feel this way”), S (“I sometimes feel this way”), R (“I rarely feel this way”) or N (“I never feel this way”). Scoring: O=3, S=2, R=1, N=0 Total scores range from 0, meaning never lonely, to 60, a high degree of loneliness. 1. I am unhappy doing so many things alone O S R N 2. I have nobody to talk to O S R N 3. I cannot tolerate being so alone O S R N 4. I lack companionship O S R N 5. I feel as if nobody really understands me O S R N 6. I find myself waiting for people to call or write O S R N 7. There is no one I can turn to O S R N 8. I am no longer close to anyone O S R N 9. My interests and ideas are not shared by those around me O S R N 10. I feel left out O S R N 11. I feel completely alone O S R N 12. I am unable to reach out and communicate with those around me O S R N 13. My social relationships are superficial O S R N 14. I feel starved for company O S R N 15. No one really knows me well O S R N 16. I feel isolated from others O S R N 17. I am unhappy being so withdrawn O S R N 18. It is difficult for me to make friends O S R N 19. I feel shut out and excluded by others O S R N 20. People are around me but not with me O S R N Social isolation index This index is used in ELSA and consists of a simple scoring system, with higher scores implying higher levels of social isolation. The index is composed of five parts: Partnership: score of 1 if not married or not cohabiting with a partner Contact: score of 1 for each where there is less than monthly contact (meeting in person, speaking on the telephone, or written communication including emails) with: ¤ children ¤ other family members ¤ friends Respondents also score 1 for each if contact is less than monthly for all modes. Organisational membership: score of 1 if participant does not identify membership in a social organisation. Appendices 40

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