Appendix 2: principles of group intervention GROUP PARTICIPATS nsuring homogeneit o the group common eelings o loneliness, common interest in the group content, similar leel o cognition and unctioning, willingness to change one’s own lie situation GROUP ACTIVITIES GROUP EA­ERS • According to the participants’ GROUP INTERVENTION • Proessionals in gerontolog interest (exercise, art, writing). • ƒhorough training and tutoring • Participants able to influence or group leading the group programme • work as acilitators • objectie orinted work Initial stage: tendion, unclear roles Feeling solidarity: Formation of the grou: adjustment, courage to humour, “our group” spirit, take responsibilit “honemoon” or the group Group dynamics, maturation of a group Conflits: Confidene: courage to be critical, participants dare to speak disagreements between about sensitie matters the group members and their loneliness COO FEATURES I A GROUPS ­oing interesting things together and sharing experiences, sharing lonliness, receiing and giing peer support, oercoming own limits, eeling togetherness €ocial actiation, gaining new riends, making arrangements to continue group meetings. mpowerment, increased sel esteem and master oer one’s own lie ‚ alleiation o loneliness Source: Pitkala et al. (2009) Isolation and loneliness 41

Isolation and Loneliness - Page 41 Isolation and Loneliness Page 40 Page 42