Background The literature on isolation and loneliness has those going through an important, and perhaps grown considerably over the last 40 years to the complex, transition or change in their lives. point where there is a wealth of research on the The majority of the literature reviewed for this causes and impact of isolation and loneliness, report focuses on particular groups or subgroups and the effectiveness of various interventions. of people at risk of isolation or loneliness. In While isolation and loneliness are known to have this review, an attempt has been made to link an impact on health, they can also be viewed as several groups under broader categories, to help important indicators for a whole host of social draw out linkages and to emphasise the need and/or emotional problems that a person may to think beyond demographic strands. These be facing during a particular phase or transition categories could be reconfigured to include more in their lives. or fewer people at risk of loneliness, leading to The purpose of this review is to highlight some less targeted or more targeted interventions. At of the key factors or risks associated with the same time, some groups could be placed isolation and/or loneliness, and to paint a picture in multiple categories. The purpose of the of the groups and subgroups of people who categories is to help kick start a discussion, might meaningfully benefit from interventions rather than to lock people into discrete designed to tackle loneliness or isolation. categories, and to encourage a holistic and non- Despite the growth in the research there are still compartmentalised view of the people affected a number of gaps in the research. Moreover, by loneliness and isolation across the UK. many interventions rely on anecdotal evidence Throughout the review there are several and where data have been collected there are comment boxes containing additional points to often issues around reliability and robustness. consider. Ultimately, the purpose of this review These issues must be taken into account when is to support the decision-making process for making decisions about who might benefit from the project team leading on the partnership a particular intervention and questions about the between the British Red Cross and the Co-op. research that has been conducted to date. However, we hope that by making our findings This review focuses on changes that are, in publicly available, others are able to draw on this many cases, beyond the control of the individual: evidence to inform their own consideration of and ageing, migration, changes in a person’s health, responses to the serious issue of loneliness and changes in a person’s caring responsibilities social isolation in the UK. and deliberate isolation. Almost anyone can experience isolation or loneliness at some point in their lives, but these “risk factors” can be used to help identify and target people potentially susceptible to isolation or loneliness, especially Isolation and loneliness 4

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