The rurality factor and services available in rural communities, There were minimal differences in the overall particularly transportation services. Participants causes of loneliness due to rurality; this described difficulties getting to the support that research would suggest it is as possible to be was available due to a lack of or unaffordable lonely in the city as it is in a more rural setting. transport links. However, rural communities However, rurality did present its own barriers were felt to be less closed off than their urban to connection and contributed to isolation, counterparts; responses from the general public which, for some, lead to their experience of survey indicate that rural participants are more loneliness. For example, participants noted that likely to claim they ask people how they are, and there were fewer and more expensive support stop for chats. Most of my activities revolve around the availability of others to either drive me or push my wheelchair… I no longer have the freedom of jumping on and off buses or driving my own car. (Mobility, Female, London, 55-74) Photo: © Simon Rawles. What causes loneliness, and how can it become chronic? 30

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