4. What is it like to be lonely in the UK? Introduction The biopsychosocial model Overall, this research reveals clear and often of the impacts of loneliness severe impacts of loneliness across the biological, The experience of loneliness was in many ways psychological and behavioural space of one’s a cycle of struggle for participants, with a range life. Loneliness affects the physical health and of impacts reinforcing and perpetuating one well-being of an individual experiencing it, it another. Like many complex social problems, impacts on how an individual thinks and feels and loneliness also clearly involved negative impacts it influences how an individual acts. Loneliness across a range of biological, psychological and either caused or exacerbated serious symptoms social domains. Figure 10, below, summarises such as physical and mental illness, anxiety and these impacts and helps to illustrate the way negative emotion, self-isolation, stress, and so particular impacts overlap using the 14 on. At worst, loneliness was linked to suicidality biopsychosocial model. This model is a for some participants. framework often used in the mental and social Amidst this wide spectrum of impacts, health disciplines and we have adapted it to help participants experiencing loneliness often said represent the impacts faced by our participants. they ceased to ‘feel like themselves’; they looked, acted and felt different. This sense of feeling ‘different’ became a contributor to loneliness, as many participants began to question their 14 Adapted from: Engel, G.L. (1980) The clinical application of the own identity and self-worth. biopsychosocial model. American Journal of Psychiatry. Volume 137, Issue 5. Pg. 535-544 Figure 10. Summary of biological, psychological and behavioural impacts Biological of loneliness Increased illness Worsening symptoms Low energy Stress, Anxiety Insomnia Mood disorders Hypervigilance Over/under eating IDENTITY CRISIS Low confidence Disengagement Negative emotions Self-isolation thoughts and beliefs Stop Poor work/ Weak ‘coping’ skills planning hobby performance Suicidality Social Poor hygiene skills Reduced exercise Psychological Behavioural What is it like to be lonely in the UK? 31

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