How to read this report It is important to emphasise that data and findings A wide variety of participant contexts were drawn from the qualitative elements of this captured in this research – with differences in research are not intended to be representative or lifestyle, life-stages, social contexts and needs statistically generalisable to the wider population. providing vibrant and often emotional research sessions. However, we also observed points of Our aim has been to: striking similarity: participants across workshops, 1. provide an overview of the range of potential in different locations, and from different walks triggers across life stages that may be risk of life, noted many of the same key drivers of factors for experiencing loneliness loneliness; they raised similar pathways towards 2. document the range of needs and hopes for loneliness; and they identified some of the same support from those experiencing loneliness that key needs, and principles for how to meet emerge as a result those. In the spirit of representing these points of commonality and shared vision, our reporting 3. give some early indication about how needs has not taken the path of drawing the reader’s differ for some specific groups of interest.attention to every point of debate or difference Likewise, whilst we have included voices from of opinion. We ask you to take for granted that across the UK – from all four nations, and from every participant added their own nuance to the more urban and more rural areas – we have collective view that you see represented at many done so for purposes of representation only. This points in reporting. At the same time, where views research did not look to capture the views and have obviously diverged and split – for example, experiences of people who do not experience according to target group, or stage of experience loneliness and therefore we are unable to say of loneliness – we have provided indication of this. why individuals who may seem to be at risk The views of a range of people were captured in of loneliness are not. There is a potential role the research and referred to throughout this report: for future research to understand geographic Experts – refers to the experts working in differences in need and the factors that protect ¤ individuals from experiencing loneliness in the field of loneliness, including providers, more depth. academics and policy makers Public – refers to the views of individuals ¤ captured in the general public survey Participants – refers to the people ¤ experiencing loneliness captured in the qualitative research. Background, aims and approach 15

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