2. Loneliness is an important issue for the UK Loneliness is an issue of the vast majority of respondents (88%) indicated public interest that they consider it a serious issue, with 32% responding the issue of loneliness is very serious When this research began it was an open question (Figure 2, below). Loneliness also seems to be an as to whether the general public considers issue that people are aware of as a topic of public loneliness to be an important issue, and whether discussion, with just over half (51%) agreeing they it was something that people are aware of and had recently ‘heard a lot about it as a problem’ thinking about. Despite the compelling evidence (16% agreed strongly). from the partnership’s literature review about the negative impacts that loneliness can have on those Very similar levels of awareness were recorded that experience it, it was uncertain whether or not for these two questions across demographics the importance of the issue was recognised by the (including by age) and across different nations and public at large. regions, but there was a significant correlation between the two measures, with 72% of those Findings from our general public survey clearly who think loneliness is very serious agreeing they demonstrate loneliness is widely seen as an had heard a lot about it, compared to 17% of important issue. When asked how serious a those who did not think it is serious. problem they think loneliness is in the UK today, Figure 2. Views on seriousness of loneliness and awareness of loneliness as an issue How serious a problem do you think I have heard a lot about loneliness is in the UK today? loneliness as a problem recently 7 7 16 6 32 17 88 51 Agree strongly (% serious) Very serious (% agree) Agree slightly 35 Quite serious 25 Neither 56 Not serious Disagree slightly Don't know Disagree strongly Source Q2: How serious a problem do you think loneliness is in the UK today? Source Q4_1: I have heard a lot about loneliness as a problem recently Base: All UK adults aged 16+ (2,523) Loneliness is an important issue for the UK 16

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