Appendix B Screening interview schedule Identify: > Self > Reason for contact/research study > What participation in screening would involve. If happy to continue: 1. Confirm identity to our records and check whether they loaned the wheelchair (if not – are they main carer, family, friend, etc). 2. Reason for the loan. Prompt for: > Medical need (e.g. returned from hospital after an operation and needed short-term loan or chronic/ longer-term condition where they may have applied for long-term loan from NHS but waiting for it come through) > Wanted to take part in particular social event (holiday, party, wedding). 3. Length of use/loan. 4. What benefit/s (if any) did the loan give to them and/or carer/family? Prompt for: > Able to get to medical appointments > Able to do own shopping > Able to take part in social events > Reduced dependence on family/carer/friends. 5. What would have happened if they had not been able to get a short-term wheelchair loan from the Red Cross? Prompt for: > Any other services that would have been needed (GP, A&E, home help, longer stay in hospital, etc.) > Increased dependence on carer/family/friends > Not able to do own shopping > Not able to take part in social events. 6. Anything else they would like to say in relation to the short-term wheelchair loan. 7. Anything they want to ask about the interview/research. 37

Wheels in Motion July 2015 Page 44 Page 46